Services & Information
Pest Control
If you are having problems with moles or voles in lawns, roof rats, raccoons, etc., please contact a pest control company. Pest Control is the responsibility of each homeowner.

Weed Abatement & Tree Service:
All lot owners must have their lots cleared of weeds and brush by June 1st of each year. Dry weeds and brush are a serious fire hazard for our community. It is important that all lots are cleared to help mitigate fire danger and ensure the safety of our community.

Any lots that have not been cleared by Thursday, June 1st will be cleared by the Association’s vendor at the lot owner’s expense. In addition to the cost of the lot clearance, an administrative fee of $150.00 will also be added to your HOA account.

If you do not already have a preferred vendor to perform this work, we have listed here two companies that have previously performed reliable work within the community;

Vargas Yard Maintenance
Gus Martinez-Vargas
(916) 878-0300

Bruce’s Solutions
(916) 247-1298

Painting Referral: 
Cooks Custom Painting is happy to provide you with a quote for any of your home painting needs. You may contact them by phone or  email below:
Cooks Custom Painting
(916) 543-4386

Wrought Iron Fence Information:

Wrought Iron fences are to be brown in color and may not exceed 6 feet in height. If you need to paint your iron fence the recommended paint choice is Kelly-Moore Paint, Sierra Performance, Beyond Acrylic Enamel. The custom color is Monte Bronze. Click Here For Paint Info

Wrought Iron Fence Touch Up Paint Information:
If the Wrought Iron fences along the perimeter of your yard require any touch up, the closest match we have found that you may easily purchase is Rustoleum American Accents “Stone Unique Textured Finish” which you can find at most Home Depot stores. These fences were originally powder coated so there is no exact paint match, but we have found that the Rustoleum paint works quite well.

Fence Maintenance: 
The fences in Villages 18 and 20 are painted and require periodic maintenance and repainting. The HOA board encourages you as homeowners to maintain your fences in good condition.

The required paint to be used for fences at Villages 18 and 20 is:

Dunn Edwards
Sparta Shield or Acri-Hues
Color- Carmel Stone

Dunn Edwards Paint Store
1850 Douglas Blvd., Ste. 200
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 786-8580

Village 12 Fence Paint:

Sherwin Williams, Caribou Brown #50 Grafitti

Village 23 Fence Paint:
Home Depot Glidden Paint

Village 19 Wood Fence Paint:
Kelly Moore Custom Brown Board (SEE IMAGE)
Stucco Wall Paint:

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